«Благодаря кето-диете я сбросила 25 килограммов»

Вот история, которая может вас мотивировать. Дженна Джеймсон, бывшая порнозвезда и нынешний предприниматель, недавно поделилась в соц. сетях, как ей удалось сбросить 25 кг

«Посмотрите на меня, это возможно»

Time for a fitness/weight loss update. Wow, simply wow. I’,ve officially lost over 45 pounds. I’,ve started to implement a bit of exercise and I’,m seeing immediate results. I guess muscle memory is a thing. I stopped paying attention to the scale because I’,m not really losing weight anymore, just losing inches. I’,m feeling satisfied with my progress physically, but an awesome byproduct of this ketogenic lifestyle is I feel sharper mentally. I’,m starting to allow myself a weekly treat which is nice! Also, I’,m still breastfeeding and my supply is healthy as ever! So to all of you that are wanting to start a weight loss journey, look at me! It can be done! Even with a toddler! Bra by @behrbras #ketotransformation #weightlossjourney #fitmom #transformationtuesday #weightlosstransformation

16.1k Likes, 1,724 Comments , Jenna Jameson (@jennacantlose) on Instagram: «,Time for a fitness/weight loss update. Wow, simply wow. I’,ve officially lost over 45 pounds. I’,ve…,»,

Дженна Джеймсон, предприниматель и бывшая звезда порнографических фильмов, недавно поделилась со своими подписчиками в Instagram огромными изменениями в ее жизни.

44-летняя женщина весила 84 килограмма после рождения своей дочери. В различных постах она делилась множеством подробностей о ее четырехмесячном путешествии. «Я чувствовала себя скованно физически и психически» — написала она.

Thought I’,d post a #motivationmonday #beforeandafter of my total weightloss. On the right I weight 187. On the left I’,m a strong 130. I was lethargic and struggled with the easiest of tasks like walking in the beach sand with Batelli. ? I felt slow mentally and physically. I took the pic on the right for a body positive post I was going to do and decided against it because I felt anything but fucking positive. I’,m now a little under 4 months on the #ketodiet and it’,s not only given me physical results, I feel happier, smarter, and much more confident. I also want to let y’,all know how much your amazing support means to me. I know you loved me heavy, and now…, but your journeys inspire me to keep inspiring you. Thank you for going on this journey with me. I love you guys! #weightlossjourney #weightlosstransformation #ketotransformation #fitmom

15.8k Likes, 1,378 Comments , Jenna Jameson (@jennacantlose) on Instagram: «,Thought I’,d post a #motivationmonday #beforeandafter of my total weightloss. On the right I weight…,»,

Хотя у нее была тяга к продуктам, которые ей не разрешалось есть, она утверждала, что со временем желание есть “вредную” пищу пропало. Мать троих детей в настоящее время весит 59 кг и старается поддерживать вес, и ее новая цель состоит в том, чтобы нарастить мышечную массу.

К прочтению:  Путешествие Меган: как она сбросила 25 кг

This has been a strong ?? week for my Keto lifestyle results. I’,m no longer really losing fat, I’,m tightening. I see and feel the biggest difference in my arms and back. When I was out of shape, I felt really thick through my core and trap and arm area. That’,s finally starting to go. I really feel weight in our arms is a hormonal thing. I can say this to all of you ladies wondering how I stay committed to no carbs. Well, after the first week or so…, the cravings subside and your body adjusts. I get sweet cravings here and there, but I usually push past them by drinking a Fresca. Oh and by the way, my scale number hasn’,t budged. I’,m holding at 130. Because I KNOW y’,all cuties will ask…, my insanely cute slides are from @haute_acorn #weightlossjourney #ketotransformation #ketodiet #weeklyweighin #fitmoms

11.2k Likes, 784 Comments , Jenna Jameson (@jennacantlose) on Instagram: «,This has been a strong ?? week for my Keto lifestyle results. I’,m no longer really losing fat, I’,m…,»,

Джеймсон подчеркивает важность заботы о себе, даже если вы целый день бегаете вокруг своих детей. «Для тех, кто хочет начать худеть, посмотрите на меня — это возможно, даже с ребенком!»

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